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TableView.BestFitColumns() Method

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Resizes all visible columns to optimally fit their contents.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v14.2.dll


public void BestFitColumns()


Call the BestFitColumns method to resize the columns so that they display their contents completely. Note that columns are resized to the minimum width required. The content taken into account when calculating the required column width includes the column header contents, data cell contents and the footer summary cell's content. If the View's TableView.BestFitMaxRowCount property value is -1, all data cells are processed. Otherwise, the View only processes the number of cells specified by that property value.

If a column's BaseColumn.FixedWidth option is enabled, the column is not resized when calling the BestFitColumns method.

To apply the best width feature to a particular column, call the column's TableView.BestFitColumn method.

To learn more, see Best Fit in Columns Layout and Width.

See Also