GridSortInfo Class
An element in the GridControl.SortInfo collection.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v14.2.Core.dll
The GridControl.SortInfo collection maintains the sorted and grouped columns. Individual elements contained within this collection are denoted by the GridSortInfo class. A GridSortInfo object specifies a column (GridSortInfo.FieldName), its sort order (GridSortInfo.SortOrder) and a grouping flag, which is set to true, if grouping is applied to this column.
Adding elements to the GridControl.SortInfo collection applies sorting or grouping by specific columns. Removing elements from this collection clears sorting/grouping by the corresponding column.
The GridSortInfo objects that refer to the columns used to group data always come first in the collection. The number of such elements is specified by the GridSortInfoCollection.GroupCount property. The subsequent elements in the collection refer to the columns used for data sorting only.
To learn more, see Sorting in Code.