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GridControl.IsMasterRowExpanded(Int32, DetailDescriptorBase) Method

Determines the specified master row's expanded state and, optionally, the specified Detail's visibility.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v14.2.dll


public bool IsMasterRowExpanded(
    int rowHandle,
    DetailDescriptorBase descriptor = null


Name Type Description
rowHandle Int32

An integer value specifying the master row by its value. If an invalid row handle is specified, the method returns false.

#Optional Parameters

Name Type Default Description
descriptor DetailDescriptorBase


Optional. A DetailDescriptorBase descendant specifying the detail view whose visibility needs to be checked. If the master row is expanded but a different detail is currently visible, the method returns false. The same happens if you pass an object that doesn't represent the specified master row's detail.


Type Description

true if the specified master row is expanded and the specified detail is visible; otherwise, false.


To change a master row's expanded state or switch between available Details, use the following methods: GridControl.ExpandMasterRow, GridControl.CollapseMasterRow, GridControl.SetMasterRowExpanded.

See Also