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GridControl.CustomColumnGroup Event

Provides the ability to group data using custom rules.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v14.2.dll


public event CustomColumnSortEventHandler CustomColumnGroup

#Event Data

The CustomColumnGroup event's handler receives an argument of the CustomColumnSortEventArgs type. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Column Gets the column whose values are being compared.
Handled Gets or sets whether a comparison operation is handled and no default processing is required.
ListSourceRowIndex1 Gets the index of the first of the two rows being compared in the data source.
ListSourceRowIndex2 Gets the index of the second of the two rows being compared in the data source.
Result Gets or sets the result of a custom comparison.
SortOrder Gets the sort order applied to the column.
Source Gets the grid control that raised the event.
Value1 Gets the first value being compared.
Value2 Gets the second value being compared.


If the built-in grouping modes don't suit your requirements, you can implement custom logic. To do this, set the ColumnBase.SortMode property to 'Custom', and handle the CustomColumnGroup event. To change the text displayed within group rows by default, handle the GridControl.CustomGroupDisplayText event.

See Also