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DetailDescriptorBase Class

Implements the basic functionality for objects that represent Detail Views within the grid's master-detail hierarchy.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v14.2.Core.dll


public abstract class DetailDescriptorBase :

#Returned By

Properties and methods that return DetailDescriptorBase instances:


This class declares common members and implements basic functionality for Detail Descriptor objects. These objects are used to represent Detail Views within a master-detail GridControl.

DetailDescriptorBase is the type of the GridControl.DetailDescriptor property, which is key to setting up master-detail representation within the grid. You need to initialize that property with any of available DetailDescriptorBase descendants.

Objects of this type are also accepted or returned by many other methods and properties that work with any Detail Descriptor type.

See Also