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DefaultColumnMenuItemNames Members

Contains default item captions displayed within the Column Context Menu.


Name Description
DefaultColumnMenuItemNames() Initializes a new instance of the DefaultColumnMenuItemNames class.


Name Description
BestFit Returns "BestFit". Corresponds to the menu item used to best fit the width of the current grid column.
BestFitColumns Returns "BestFitColumns". Corresponds to the menu item used to best fit the widths of all grid columns.
ClearGrouping Returns "ItemClearGrouping". Corresponds to the menu item used to ungroup the grid.
ClearGroupSummarySorting Returns "ItemClearGroupSummarySorting". Corresponds to the menu item used to cancel sorting rows by group summary values. In this instance, group rows are sorted by the values of the corresponding grouping column.
FullCollapse Returns "ItemFullCollapse". Corresponds to the menu item used to collapse all group rows within a View.
FullExpand Returns "ItemFullExpand". Corresponds to the menu item used to expand all group rows within a View.
GroupBox Returns. "ItemGroupBox". Corresponds to the menu item used to show/hide the Group Panel.
GroupColumn Returns "ItemGroupColumn". Corresponds to the menu item used to group/ungroup data by the values of the corresponding column.
GroupSummaryEditor Returns "ItemGroupSummaryEditor". Corresponds to the menu item used to invoke the Group Summary Editor.
MenuColumnGroupInterval Returns "GroupInterval". Corresponds to the sub menu item, allowing an end-user to specify a DateTime column's interval grouping.
MenuColumnGroupIntervalDay Returns "Day". Corresponds to the menu item that groups rows by the date part of their values. The time portion is ignored in this grouping mode. To learn more, see interval grouping.
MenuColumnGroupIntervalMonth Returns "Month". Corresponds to the menu item that groups rows by the month of their values. To learn more, see interval grouping.
MenuColumnGroupIntervalNone Returns "None". Corresponds to the menu item that applies default grouping mode. To learn more, see interval grouping.
MenuColumnGroupIntervalSmart Returns "Smart". Corresponds to the menu item that groups rows according to their date value as compared with the current system date (ColumnGroupInterval.DateRange). To learn more, see interval grouping.
MenuColumnGroupIntervalYear Returns "Year". Corresponds to the menu item that groups rows by the year of their values. To learn more, see interval grouping.
SortBySummary Returns "ItemSortBySummary". Corresponds to the menu item used to sort group rows by group summary values.
UnboundExpressionEditor Returns. "UnboundExpressionEditor". Corresponds to the menu item used to show/hide the Expression Editor.
UnGroupColumn Returns "ItemUnGroupColumn". Corresponds to the menu item used to ungroup the column.

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ClearFilter static
ClearSorting static
ColumnChooser static
FilterEditor static
FixedLeft static
FixedNone static
FixedRight static
FixedStyle static
SearchPanel static
SortAscending static
SortDescending static

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Name Description
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
ToString() Returns a string that represents the current object. Inherited from Object.
See Also