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DataViewBase.EditorShowMode Property

Gets or sets a value which specifies how a cell editor is activated by the mouse. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v14.2.Core.dll


public EditorShowMode EditorShowMode { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A EditorShowMode enumeration value which specifies how a cell editor is activated by the mouse.


See the EditorShowMode topic for information on the available editor activation modes.

If in-place editors must not be invoked on the first click (useful for browsing records with data editing support), set the EditorShowMode property to EditorShowMode.MouseUpFocused.

To support drag and drop operations within a View, set the EditorShowMode property to either EditorShowMode.MouseUp or EditorShowMode.MouseUpFocused.

Note that in EditorShowMode.MouseDown and EditorShowMode.MouseDownFocused modes, the first click on a cell opens the editor, and then this mouse event is passed to the activated editor. For instance, if an in-place editor represents a ComboBoxEdit control, clicking a cell activates the editor and immediately opens its drop-down.

In EditorShowMode.MouseUp and EditorShowMode.MouseUpFocused modes, the first click on a cell is not passed to the cell's in-place editor. For instance, in EditorShowMode.MouseUp mode, if an in-place editor denotes a ComboBoxEdit control, the first click activates the editor. The editor's dropdown is opened by the second click.

See Also