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BestFitArea Enum

Lists the values used to specify which interface elements should be taken into account when adjusting the column width.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Grid.v14.2.Core.dll


public enum BestFitArea


Name Description

Nothing should be taken into account when adjusting the column width.


A column header's text should be taken into account when adjusting the column width.


Grid rows' values should be taken into account when adjusting the column width.


The total summary's text should be taken into account when adjusting the column width.


The group summary's text should be taken into account when adjusting the column width.


All elements of a column (row cells, header, total summary) should be taken into account when adjusting the column width.

#Passed To

You can pass BestFitArea values to the following properies:


Values listed by the BestFitArea enumeration are used to set the TableView.BestFitArea and ColumnBase.BestFitArea properties.

To learn more, see Columns Layout and Width.

See Also