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TextEditBase.EditNonEditableTemplate Property

Gets or sets a template that defines the in-place editor's presentation when the editor is active, but its text field is not editable. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Editors

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public ControlTemplate EditNonEditableTemplate { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A ControlTemplate object representing the editor's template.


The EditNonEditableTemplate property is in effect for the ButtonEdit editor and its derived editors (e.g. ComboBoxEdit).

The template, specified via the EditNonEditableTemplate property, is applied to the editor's text field when the editor is in-place within a container control (such as GridControl) and its ButtonEdit.IsTextEditable property is set to false. In this instance, the editor's text field cannot be edited, and an end-user can change the editor's value only by choosing it from the drop-down list.

See Also