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LookUpEditBase.PopupContentSelectionChanged Event

Occurs when an item selection (highlighting) is moved to another item within the editor's dropdown.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Editors

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public event SelectionChangedEventHandler PopupContentSelectionChanged

#Event Data

The PopupContentSelectionChanged event's handler receives an argument of the SelectionChangedEventArgs type. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
AddedItems Gets a list that contains the items that were selected.
Handled Gets or sets a value that indicates the present state of the event handling for a routed event as it travels the route. Inherited from RoutedEventArgs.
OriginalSource Gets the original reporting source as determined by pure hit testing, before any possible Source adjustment by a parent class. Inherited from RoutedEventArgs.
RemovedItems Gets a list that contains the items that were unselected.
RoutedEvent Gets or sets the RoutedEvent associated with this RoutedEventArgs instance. Inherited from RoutedEventArgs.
Source Gets or sets a reference to the object that raised the event. Inherited from RoutedEventArgs.


For a checked combo box, the PopupContentSelectionChanged event is fired each time an item displayed within the editor's dropdown, has been checked or unchecked. For a native combo box or look-up editor, this event is fired when an item highlighting is moved to another item.

See Also