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DataPager.AutoEllipsis Property

Gets or sets whether or not an ellipsis button(s) is displayed automatically when the total number of pages is greater than that displayed within the Data Pager. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Editors.DataPager

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public bool AutoEllipsis { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

true to display an ellipsis button(s) automatically; otherwise, false.


The Data Pager supports multiple display modes that specify which buttons used to navigate through the pages, are displayed. To specify the display mode, use the DataPager.DisplayMode property. In several modes, the Data Pager displays numeric buttons with or without navigation buttons. Clicking a numeric button switches to the corresponding page.

DataPager w ellipsis

The number of numeric buttons is specified by the DataPager.NumericButtonCount property. If the total number of pages is greater than the number of numeric buttons and the AutoEllipsis property is set to true, the outside left and/or right numeric buttons display an ellipsis. For example, if the Data Pager displays 5 numeric buttons, the total number of pages is 10 and the fist page is active, the outside right button displays ellipsis: 1,2,3,4.... Clicking this button switches to the page number 5 and scrolls the pages forward. As a result, the Data Pager displays: ...4,5,6....

To display the total number of pages, enable the DataPager.ShowTotalPageCount option. In this instance, the Data Pager displays the total number of pages and an editable area allowing the end-user to specify the active page.


See Also