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DockOperationCompletedEventArgs.DockOperation Property

Gets the type of an operation that is processed within the DockLayoutManager.DockOperationCompleted event.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.Base

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.v14.2.dll


public DockOperation DockOperation { get; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A DockOperation enumerator value that specifies the type of an operation that is processed within the DockLayoutManager.DockOperationCompleted event.


When handling the DockLayoutManager.DockOperationCompleted event, use the DockOperation property to identify which type of docking operation- dock, float, close, restore or auto-hide - was performed. See the DockLayoutManager.DockOperationCompleted event to learn more.

See Also