AutoHideGroup.AutoHideType Attached Property
Gets or sets the position where a panel is auto-hidden. This is an attached property.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Docking.v14.2.dll
Type | Description |
Auto |
An Auto |
Manually changing the AutoHideType property makes sense when there is only one panel within a container, and you need to customize the position where the panel should be hidden when the auto-hide functionality is enabled. By default, if the layout consists of a single panel, the panel is auto-hidden at the left edge. To hide it at another edge, set the AutoHideType property accordingly.
Note that the AutoHideType property is automatically reset to Default each time a panel is re-docked. You can handle the DockLayoutManager.DockItemEndDocking event to respond to a panel being docked and then set the AutoHideType property according to your needs.
<dxd:LayoutPanel Caption="Panel will be auto-hidden at the bottom" dxd:AutoHideGroup.AutoHideType="Bottom" Name="panel1">