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TabControlSelectionChangingEventArgs(Int32, Int32, Object, Object) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the TabControlSelectionChangingEventArgs class.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Core

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public TabControlSelectionChangingEventArgs(
    int oldSelectedIndex,
    int newSelectedIndex,
    object oldSelectedItem,
    object newSeleсtedItem


Name Type Description
oldSelectedIndex Int32

A zero-based integer value that specifies the index of the previously selected tab item. This value is assigned to the TabControlSelectionChangedEventArgs.OldSelectedIndex property.

newSelectedIndex Int32

A zero-based integer value that specifies the index of the currently selected tab item. This value is assigned to the TabControlSelectionChangedEventArgs.NewSelectedIndex property.

oldSelectedItem Object

A data item that corresponds to the previously selected tab item. This value is assigned to the TabControlSelectionChangedEventArgs.OldSelectedItem property.

newSeleсtedItem Object

A data item that corresponds to the currently selected tab item. This value is assigned to the TabControlSelectionChangedEventArgs.NewSelectedItem property.


Instances of the TabControlSelectionChangingEventArgs class are automatically created, initialized and passed to the DXTabControl.SelectionChanging event handlers. Typically, there is no need to call this constructor directly from your code.

See Also