DXTabControl.TabHidden Event
Occurs after the tab item has been hidden.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Core
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll
#Event Data
The TabHidden event's handler receives an argument of the TabControlTabHiddenEventArgs type. The following properties provide information specific to this event:
Property | Description |
Tab |
Gets the index of the processed tab item.
Inherited from Tab |
A tab item can be hidden by an end-user, by clicking the close button displayed within its header. It can also be hidden in code, using the DXTabControl.HideTabItem method. A hidden tab item is not disposed, and can be displayed later. To learn more, see Showing and Hiding Tab Items.
An index of the tab item that has been hidden is returned by the event parameter's TabControlTabShownEventArgs.TabIndex property. To prevent tab items from being hidden, handle the DXTabControl.TabHiding event, which is fired before the item is hidden.
After the tab item has been shown, the DXTabControl.TabShown event is fired.
Handle the DXTabControl.SelectionChanging or DXTabControl.SelectionChanged event to cancel selecting a tab item or respond to this action respectively. For details, see Navigating Between Tab Items.