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Book.PageIndexChanging Event

Enables cancelling turning the current page.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Controls

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Controls.v14.2.dll


public event PageIndexChangingEventHandler PageIndexChanging

#Event Data

The PageIndexChanging event's handler receives an argument of the PageIndexChangingEventArgs type. The following properties provide information specific to this event:

Property Description
Cancel Gets or sets a value indicating whether the event should be canceled. Inherited from CancelEventArgs.
NewPageIndex Gets or sets the index of a current page.
OldPageIndex Gets the index of the previous page.


The PageIndexChanging event is raised before a new page is about to be opened. This occurs when an end-user turns the page, or the page is opened in code using the Book.PageIndex property.

The PageIndexChanging event can be handled to do the following:

After a new page has been opened, the Book.PageIndexChanged event is fired.

See Also