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XYDiagram2D.PointToDiagram(Point) Method

Converts the screen coordinates of a point into an XY-Diagram coordinates object.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v14.2.dll


public DiagramCoordinates PointToDiagram(
    Point p


Name Type Description
p Point

A Point object, representing a location on a chart's display area.


Type Description

A DiagramCoordinates object, containing information about the point's argument and value, their scale types, associated axes and pane.


Use the PointToDiagram method, to convert screen coordinates of a point to the diagram coordinates (measured in axis unit).


For the opposite conversion (of diagram coordinates to screen coordinates), use the XYDiagram2D.DiagramToPoint method (with an overload appropriate to your axes' scale types).


This example demonstrates how to use a PointToDiagram method to transform screen coordinates to diagram coordinates.

See Also