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CustomDrawCrosshairEventArgs.CrosshairAxisLabelElements Property

Gets the settings of crosshair axis label elements to customize their appearance.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v14.2.dll


public List<CrosshairAxisLabelElement> CrosshairAxisLabelElements { get; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A list of CrosshairAxisLabelElement objects.


Use the CrosshairAxisLabelElements property to get access to the settings of either crosshair argument labels (the CrosshairOptions.SnapMode property is set to NearestArgument) or crosshair value labels (the CrosshairOptions.SnapMode property is set to NearestValue) when implementing the ChartControl.CustomDrawCrosshair event.


This example shows how to provide a custom appearance for the crosshair cursor using the ChartControl.CustomDrawCrosshair event. This event is invoked when you click the Custom Draw Crosshair Cursor button on the form.

If you wish to display crosshair axis lines and labels on a chart before custom drawing the crosshair cursor, set the CrosshairOptions.ShowArgumentLabels, CrosshairOptions.ShowArgumentLine, CrosshairOptions.ShowValueLabels and CrosshairOptions.ShowValueLine properties to true.

Note that the customization of the crosshair cursor is provided for the CrosshairOptions.SnapMode property set to NearestArgument.

See Also