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ChartHitInfo Properties

Contains information about a specific point within a chart.
Name Description
Axis Gets an axis which is located under the test point.
AxisLabel Gets axis label which are located under the test point.
AxisTitle Gets an axis title which is located under the test point.
ConstantLine Gets a constant line which is located under the test point.
CustomAxisLabel Gets a custom axis label which is located under the test point.
Diagram Gets a diagram which is located under the test point.
InAxis Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within an axis.
InAxisLabel Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within an axis label.
InAxisTitle Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within an axis title.
InConstantLine Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within a constant line.
InDiagram Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within a diagram.
Indicator Gets an indicator which is located under the test point.
InIndicator Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within an indicator.
InLegend Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within the legend.
InPane Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within a Pane.
InSeries Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within a series.
InSeriesLabel Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within series labels.
InStrip Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within a strip.
InTitle Gets a value indicating whether the test point is within a chart or series title.
Legend Gets the legend which is located under the test point.
Pane Gets a pane which is located under the test point.
Series Gets the series which is located under the test point.
SeriesLabel Gets the series labels which are located under the test point.
SeriesPoint Gets a series point which is located under the test point.
Strip Gets a strip which is located under the test point.
Title Gets a title which is located under the test point.
See Also