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ChartControl.DataSource Property

Gets or sets the chart control's data source.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v14.2.dll


public object DataSource { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A Object that represents the chart's data source.


Use the DataSource property, for data binding using a series template.

When a data source is assigned to the DataSource property, define the name of a data column upon which new series will be created (and named), via the Diagram.SeriesDataMember property. And, for the Diagram.SeriesTemplate property, choose the common view type for the auto-created series. Then, assign the required data fields to the Series.ArgumentDataMember and Series.ValueDataMember properties.

For more information, refer to Define a Template for Automatic Series.

See Also