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AxisRange.MinValueInternal Property

Represents the minimum value of the axis range using a numerical value.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Charts.v14.2.dll


public double MinValueInternal { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A Double value that represents the minimum value of the axis range.


Use the MinValueInternal and AxisRange.MaxValueInternal properties when it is required to limit the axis range more precisely than the Qualitative or DateTime scale types allow.

The following images demonstrate a qualitative x-axis with a limited range.

The default x-axis range A custom x-axis range
axis-range-default axis-range-internal

To obtain the actual values of these properties, use the AxisRange.ActualMinValueInternal and AxisRange.ActualMaxValueInternal properties.

The MinValueInternal property is an internal double representation of the AxisRange.MinValue property. And a modification of the MinValueInternal property results in the AxisRange.MinValue property being set to null value for Qualitative and DateTime scales.


Although the MinValueInternal property is intended for precise range adjustment, it isn't possible to achieve the utmost level of accuracy using this property when the AxisRange.SideMarginsEnabled property is turned on. In this case, it becomes impossible to precisely determine the actual maximum value of an axis, due to the ambiguity introduced by the side-margins span.


This example demonstrates how you can define a custom axis range (both in measurement units appropriate for the axis scale type, and using their internal Double representation).

See Also