ToolbarListItem Class
Represents a check list of available toolbars (and optionally, check lists of bar item links owned by the bars), allowing an end-user to toggle the visibility of bars/links.
Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Bars
Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll
The contents of a ToolbarListItem object is automatically generated. If the ToolbarListItem.ListItemType property is set to ToolbarListItemType.ShowBars (default), the ToolbarListItem represents a list of existing bars in the form of a check list. Elements in the check list are check buttons displaying bar names. Clicking any check button toggles the visibility of the corresponding bar.
If the ToolbarListItem.ListItemType property is set to ToolbarListItemType.ShowBarsAndItems, the ToolbarListItem represents each bar as a sub-menu. The sub-menu contains corresponding bar item links in the form of a check list, allowing an end-user to change the visibility of the links. In this mode, an end-user can modify the visibility of bar item links, not bars.
ToolbarListItem objects are displayed on-screen using corresponding bar item links - ToolbarListItemLink objects. See Items and Links to learn more.