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ILinksHolder Methods
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Declares methods that are common to objects displaying bar item links.
Name Description
AddHandler(RoutedEvent, Delegate) Adds a routed event handler for a specific routed event to an element. Inherited from IInputElement.
CaptureMouse() Attempts to force capture of the mouse to this element. Inherited from IInputElement.
CaptureStylus() Attempts to force capture of the stylus to this element. Inherited from IInputElement.
Focus() Attempts to focus the keyboard on this element. Inherited from IInputElement.
GetDefaultItemsGlyphSize(LinkContainerType) Gets the default size of items' glyphs when the items are displayed in a container of the specified type.
GetLogicalChildrenEnumerator() Gets an enumerator used to iterate through bar item links.
Merge(ILinksHolder) Adds the visible links from the specified link container onto the current link container.
OnLinkAdded(BarItemLinkBase) This method is called before a bar item link is added to the current link holder.
OnLinkRemoved(BarItemLinkBase) This method is called before a bar item link is removed from the current link holder.
RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs) Raises the routed event that is specified by the RoutedEvent property within the provided RoutedEventArgs. Inherited from IInputElement.
ReleaseMouseCapture() Releases the mouse capture, if this element holds the capture. Inherited from IInputElement.
ReleaseStylusCapture() Releases the stylus capture, if this element holds the capture. Inherited from IInputElement.
RemoveHandler(RoutedEvent, Delegate) Removes all instances of the specified routed event handler from this element. Inherited from IInputElement.
UnMerge() Removes the links of other link containers from the current link container. This method is in effect when other link containers have been merged with the current container.
UnMerge(ILinksHolder) Removes the links of the specified link container from the current link container. This method is in effect when the specified link container has been merged with the current container.
See Also