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GalleryItem.Hint Property

Gets or sets the object that represents the Hint portion within the item's regular tooltip window. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Bars

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public object Hint { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

An object that represents the Hint portion within the regular tooltip.


Tooltips are enabled for gallery items if the Gallery.AllowToolTips and BarManager.ShowScreenTips properties are set to true.

Gallery items support regular hints and SuperTips. A SuperTip, if specified, has a higher priority than a regular hint.

A regular hint displays a gallery item's caption (GalleryItem.Caption), glyph (GalleryItem.Glyph), and the Hint object. If the Hint property is not specified, a regular hint is not displayed. To specify a template used to present the Hint object within the tooltip window, use the Gallery.HintTemplate property.

A SuperTip is an expandable tooltip that supports multiple regions. Tooltip regions are arranged one under another, and each can display specific object and graphics. To specify a SuperTip for an item, use the GalleryItem.SuperTip property.

See Also