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Gallery.ItemCheckMode Property

Gets or sets whether the item checking feature is enabled, and whether single or multiple items can be checked simultaneouly. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Bars

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public GalleryItemCheckMode ItemCheckMode { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

A GalleryItemCheckMode value that specifies item checking mode.


If the ItemCheckMode property is set to GalleryItemCheckMode.None, the item checking feature is disabled. In this mode, a gallery item behaves like a regular button when clicked, where it fires the Click events (GalleryItem.Click and Gallery.ItemClick).

In other modes, the item checking feature is enabled. The items are checked differently in these modes:

To get and set a gallery item's check state in code, use the GalleryItem.IsChecked property.

When an item is checked, the GalleryItem.Checked and Gallery.ItemChecked events fire. Unchecking the item fires the GalleryItem.Unchecked and Gallery.ItemUnchecked events. To respond to checking and unchecking an item using a single event, use GalleryItem.Click or Gallery.ItemClick.

See Also