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BarManager.CreateStandardLayout Property

Gets or sets whether the bar manager implicitly creates four BarContainerControls at the four edges of the window, allowing you to dock bars to the window. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Bars

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public bool CreateStandardLayout { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

true if the bar manager implicitly creates four BarContainerControls; otherwise, false.


By default, the CreateStandardLayout option is set to true. In this mode, four BarContainerControls are implicitly created along the edges of the BarManager. These containers have the BarContainerControl.ContainerType property set to BarContainerType.Top, BarContainerType.Bottom, BarContainerType.Left and BarContainerType.Right respectively. You can dock a bar to any of these containers by setting the Bar.DockInfo.ContainerType (BarDockInfo.ContainerType) property to Top, Bottom, Left or Right.

Besides the implicitly created containers, you can manually add any number of BarContainerControls to the window. A bar can be docked to these containers using the Bar.DockInfo.Container (BarDockInfo.Container) or Bar.DockInfo.ContainerName (BarDockInfo.ContainerName) properties.

See the BarContainerControl topic to learn more.

See Also