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BarItemLinkBase.OverrideItemDataContext Property

Gets or sets if a BarItemLink should use a custom DataContext instead of a DataContext passed from a parent BarItem. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Bars

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public bool OverrideItemDataContext { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

true if a BarItemLink should use a custom DataContext instead of a DataContext passed from a parent BarItem; otherwise, false.


The DataContext concept allows BarItemLinks to inherit information from their parent BarItems about the data source that is used for binding, as well as other characteristics of the binding, such as the path. See the FrameworkElement.DataContext Property topic in MSDN to learn more. Use the OverrideItemDataContext to specify if a BarItemLink should use a custom DataContext or parent BarItem's DataContext.

See Also