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BarItemAutoSizeMode Enum

Contains values that specify how the contents of a BarStaticItem's link is resized.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Bars

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public enum BarItemAutoSizeMode


Name Description

Doesn't apply the auto-size feature for a bar item link. The item link's width is specified by the BarStaticItem.ItemWidth property.


Resizes a BarStaticItem's link, so its width matches that link's contents width.


Resizes a specific BarStaticItem's link so that it consumes the largest possible area of a bar.

To allow the bar to be stretched to the bar container's width, set the Bar.UseWholeRow property to true.

#Passed To

You can pass BarItemAutoSizeMode values to the BarStaticItem.AutoSizeMode property.


Use the BarStaticItem.AutoSizeMode property to specify how the contents of a BarStaticItem's link is resized.

See Also