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BarEditItem.Content2 Property

Gets or sets the object displayed after the item's edit box. This is a dependency property.

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Bars

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public object Content2 { get; set; }

#Property Value

Type Description

An object displayed after the item's edit box.


The BarItem.Content object is displayed before the item's edit box, while the Content2 object is displayed after the edit box. The BarItem.ContentTemplate and BarEditItem.Content2Template properties allow you to specify templates used to visualize the BarItem.Content and Content2 objects on screen.

By default, all bar edit item links will use the BarItem.Content and Content2 objects, if they are specified. You can also provide the contents for individual bar edit item links via the BarItemLink.UserContent and BarEditItemLink.UserContent2 properties, overriding the bar edit item's corresponding settings.


BarItem objects can be displayed in multiple places simultaneously (for instance, in a Ribbon Page Group and Ribbon Quick Access Toolbar), while it is not possible to display the same UIElement in multiple places simultaneously. Therefore, it is not possible to use UIElement objects as BarItems content.

See Also