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AddBarItemLinkAction Class

Adds a bar item link to the link container (a bar, menu, etc).

Namespace: DevExpress.Xpf.Bars

Assembly: DevExpress.Xpf.Core.v14.2.dll


public class AddBarItemLinkAction :


A link container to which a bar item link is added can be identified via these properties:

The following code adds a link to the btnAbout item to the main menu:

<dxb:BarButtonItem x:Name="btnAbout" Content="About" ItemClick="btnAbout_ItemClick"/>
<dxb:AddBarItemLinkAction TargetType="MainMenu">
        <dxb:BarButtonItemLink x:Name="myBarItemLink" BarItemName="btnAbout"/>

The BarItemLinkActionBase.Target and BarItemLinkActionBase.TargetType properties are attached properties. They can be used as shown in the following example. In the code below, a BarButtonItemLink object, referring to a btnExit item, is created and added to the 'menuFile' menu:

<dxb:BarButtonItemLink x:Name="btnExitLink" BarItemName="btnExit" dxb:BarItemLinkActionBase.Target="menuFile"/>

See Customizing Bars via Actions to learn more.

See Also