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Nested Donut

#Short Description

The Nested Donut view is similar to the Pie (Donut) series view, except that instead of comparing different donut series side by side, you can do so with one donut nested in another.

In the image below the Nested Donut chart shows the Age structure of the United States, Brazil and Russia population grouped by sex (Female and Male series).


#Chart Type Characteristics

The table below lists the main characteristics of this chart type.

Feature Value
Series View type NestedDonutSeries2D
Diagram type SimpleDiagram2D
Number of arguments per series point 1
Number of values per series point 1

For information on which series view types can be combined with the Nested Donut view, refer to the Series Types Compatibility document.


The following example demonstrates how to create a 2D Nested Donut chart.