Master-Detail Mode Limitations
- 2 minutes to read
The following features aren't supported when using the Master-Detail mode:
#Unsupported Features
Details serialization
Detail grids aren't automatically serialized when saving the master grid's layout.
New Item Row in detail grids
New Item Row is currently only supported by root master views.
Stacked details
If you need to display multiple details at the same level, you can only use tabbed container - TabViewDetailDescriptor.
Fixed total summary row
Total summary rows are only visible when you scroll to the bottom of the detail. You cannot make them always visible regardless of the vertical scrolling position.
- Row and cell multi-selection
#Design Limitations
The following features conflict with control architecture or master-detail data representation in general. They are unlikely to be implemented in future versions.
Cannot be used in both master and detail grids.
Server Mode and Instant Feedback
Cannot be used in both master and detail grids.
TreeList and CardView in a master-detail grid
You can show them in Details as custom controls, but there's no native integration implemented.
Obtaining Hit-Test information by calling methods of a detail grid
To get Hit-Test information, call master grid methods.
Auto Filter Row in detail grids
Auto Filter Row can only be displayed within the root master grid.
Search panel for detail views
Search panel is displayed within the root master grid and searches only against that root dataset.
#DevExpress WinForms Grid Features
The following features are unique to our WinForms Grid Control and if you are not switching from our WinForms products, you might not expect these features to be present in a grid control.
- Detail zooming
- IRelationList support