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Master-Detail Member Table

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This topic lists the key members you will use when building master-detail hierarchies using the GridControl.

#Enabling Detail Views

Class / Member Description
TableView.AllowMasterDetail Gets or sets whether end-users can access this View's details.
GridControl.DetailDescriptor Enables master-detail representation within this GridControl.

#Data Grid in Detail

Class / Member Description
DataControlDetailDescriptor Represents a detail that displays a grid control and natively integrates with the master grid.
DataControlDetailDescriptor.ItemsSourcePath Gets or sets the detail grid's data binding by specifying the path relative to the master grid's records.
DataViewBase.DetailHeaderContent Gets or sets the detail section's header content.

#Custom Content in Detail

Class / Member Description
ContentDetailDescriptor Represents a Detail with freely-customizable content.
DetailDescriptorBase.ContentTemplate Gets or sets the template specifying the entire or partial content of a Detail.
ContentDetailDescriptor.HeaderContent Gets or sets the detail section's header content. This is a dependency property.

#Tabbed View for Details

Class / Member Description
TabViewDetailDescriptor Displays multiple Details within a tabbed container.
MultiDetailDescriptor.DetailDescriptors Provides access to Detail Descriptors to be displayed by this multi-detail container.

#Expand and Collapse Master Rows

Class / Member Description
GridControl.ExpandMasterRow Expands the specified master row and, optionally, shows the specified Detail.
GridControl.CollapseMasterRow Collapses the detail section for the specified row.
GridControl.SetMasterRowExpanded Changes the expanded state for a specified master row and, optionally, shows a specified Detail.
GridControl.IsMasterRowExpanded Determines the specified master row's expanded state and, optionally, the specified Detail's visibility.
GridControl.MasterRowExpanding Enables you to specify whether a master row may be expanded.
GridControl.MasterRowCollapsing Enables you to specify whether a master row may be collapsed.
GridControl.MasterRowExpanded Fires immediately after a master row has been expanded.
GridControl.MasterRowCollapsed Fires immediately after a master row has been collapsed.
TableView.IsDetailButtonVisibleBinding Gets or sets the binding that determines which rows display detail expand buttons.

#Obtain Details

Class / Member Description
GridControl.GetDetail Returns the detail data control identified by the master row and its Detail Descriptor.
GridControl.GetVisibleDetail Returns the currently visible detail data control identified by its master row.
GridControl.GetVisibleDetailDescriptor Returns the Detail Descriptor corresponding to the currently expanded detail of the specified master row.

#Printing and Exporting

Class / Member Description
TableView.AllowPrintDetails Gets or sets whether View's details can be printed. This is a dependency property.
TableView.AllowPrintEmptyDetails Gets or sets whether or not to print/export empty details. This is a dependency property.
TableView.PrintDetailTopIndent Gets or sets the top print detail indent. This is a dependency property.
TableView.PrintDetailBottomIndent Gets or sets the bottom print detail indent. This is a dependency property.