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Requirements and Limitations

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This topic lists supported OLAP servers. It also describes what is required to bind to OLAP servers, and which pivot grid features are not supported in an OLAP mode.

#Restriction on Synchronous Data Operations

PivotGridControl can work with an OLAP server only in an Asynchronous Mode. This limitation has been introduced since the WebClient for Silverlight does not support synchronous query processing.

The pivot grid has an Asynchronous Mode enabled by default. If you turn it off while the pivot grid is bound to an OLAP server, all end-user actions that require access to the data source to be handled (reloading data, reordering fields, filtering, sorting, etc.) will cause an exception.

An exception will also be thrown if you call a method that triggers a synchronous request to the data source. These are methods used to reload data from an OLAP cube, expand or collapse field values, toggle field sort order and extract drill-down data. In an OLAP mode, use asynchronous counterparts of these methods. They can be identified by the ...Async postfix contained in their names. For instance, use the PivotGridControl.ExpandAllAsync method instead of PivotGridControl.ExpandAll. For a complete list of regarded methods, refer to the Asynchronous Mode topic.

Use the PivotGridControl.UseAsyncMode property to control whether an Asynchronous Mode is enabled.

To learn more about the Asynchronous Mode, see Asynchronous Mode.

#OLAP Server Requirements

The following OLAP servers are supported:

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services;
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services;
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services;
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Analysis Services;
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services (Multi-dimensional mode);
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Analysis Services (Multi-dimensional mode).
  • When using MS SQL Server Analysis Services 2008, MS SQL Server 2008 Service Pack 1 is required.
  • When using MS SQL Server Analysis Services 2005, MS SQL Server 2005 Service Pack 2 is required.
  • When using MS SQL Server Analysis Services 2000, SP4 is required.
  • In MS SQL Server Analysis Services 2000, cube dimension members with DBNull values are not supported by DXPivotGrid.

#PivotGridControl Limitations

The following features are not supported in an OLAP mode:

See Also