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End-User Drag and Drop

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#Drag and Drop Indication

The following visual elements are shown during the drag and drop operation:

  • Marker

    Indicates the target of the drag and drop operation. In TreeList Views the length of the marker indicates a hierarchy level that will be set for the node being dragged. If the target of the drag and drop operation is a group row (in Table Views) or node (in TreeList Views), it is highlighted.

  • Hint

    The hint consists of two parts that inform you about the drag and drop source, target and action that will take place.

Drag and Drop Visual Elements

#TableView Drag and Drop functionality

  • Reordering rows.

    Focus a row or select multiple rows (if multiple selection is enabled), drag and drop onto the required location.

    TableView Drag and Drop Simple

  • Merge group rows.

    Drag a group row and drop it onto the required group.

    TableView Drag and Drop Merge

#TreeList Drag and Drop functionality

  • Reordering nodes.

    Focus a node or select multiple nodes (if multiple selection is enabled), drag and drop onto the required location.

    TreeListView Drag and Drop Simple

  • Moving nodes to a child collection of another node.

    Focus a node or select multiple nodes (if multiple selection is enabled), drag and drop onto the required node.

    TreeListView Drag and Drop child

Custom drag and drop functionality can be implemented by handling the Drag and Drop related events. For an example, please see How to: Manually Control Drag and Drop.