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How to: Sequentially Animate Texts in a Digital Gauge Control

The following sample demonstrates how to use creeping line and blinking animation effects to imitate an advertising indicator board.

To accomplish this task, it is necessary to create a CreepingLineAnimation object and assign it to the SymbolViewBase.Animation property. Then, handle the CreepingLineAnimationCompleted event and assign a new BlinkingAnimation object to the SymbolViewBase.Animation property.

Note that in this example, the two texts have a different number of symbols: the first ("Do you want to learn more?") - 26, the second ("") - 18 characters.

To prevent animation of space symbols in the second text and demonstrate the creeping line animation for the entire text, the DigitalGaugeControl.SymbolCount, CreepingLineAnimation.StartSpaces and CreepingLineAnimation.AdditionalSpaces properties are set to the values that correspond to the required number of characters.