Paste Special Dialog
The Paste Special dialog allows end-users to paste data from the Clipboard into a document in the selected format.
In the dialog, end-users can select the format for data contained in the Clipboard and paste them into the document as if that data is imported from the specified format. For example, data copied from Microsoft® Word® 2007 can be pasted as a RTF, HTML, metafile or plain (unformatted) text. Available formats are determined by the Clipboard, so you cannot modify the list of formats displayed in this form.
You can provide end-users with the capability to invoke the Paste Special dialog via the Clipboard toolbar or Ribbon page group. To do this, provide Bars or Ribbon UI for the RichEditControl (see Lesson 2 - Create a Simple Word Processor with Bar Menu or Lesson 3 - Create a Simple Word Processor with Ribbon Menu), and create the Clipboard toolbar or ribbon page group from the Home group of bars.
To invoke the dialog, use the ShowPasteSpecialFormCommand command.