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The RichEditControl control implements the main Rich Edit functionality and is available on the DX.14.2.Sliverlight: Rich Text Editor toolbox tab in Visual Studio IDE:


RichEditControl is the "plain" rich editor, without a toolbar or extra panels. In MS Visual Studio Designer, it looks as shown below.


<UserControl xmlns:dxre="" 
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="400">
    <Grid x:Name="LayoutRoot" Background="White">
        <dxre:RichEditControl HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="53,140,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top"/>

To add a bar or Ribbon UI, see the Lesson 2 - Create a Simple Word Processor with Bar Menu and the Lesson 3 - Create a Simple Word Processor with Ribbon Menu documents.

Use the RichEditControl class to access the core functionality of RichEditControl.

The DXRichEdit Suite is based on a core RichEdit Library. This library is common for all platforms. API for both suites is basically the same, excluding platform specific features and limitations.

A document structure in RichEditControl is two-fold. There is the logical structure of a document, called Document Model, which reflects its logical hierarchical organization. And then there is the physical structure, called Document Layout, which represents the appearance of physical entities in a document and is the hierarchical description of the layout of a document.

When a document is processed by RichEditControl, a Document Model is initially built. Then, the Layout Engine converts the Document Model into a Document Layout. So there is no one to one correspondence between physical and logical entities. The Document Layout is visualized by the Active View of RichEditControl.

For an overview of events implemented in the RichEditControl class, refer to the RichEditControl Events document.

See Also