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Product Class Structure

In This Article

This topic lists the main classes and namespaces that are your entry points to the DXScheduler for Silverlight reference. Comprehensive reference material for the entire DevExpress .NET Product line is available in the Reference section. We also recommend that you use the Search functionality to quickly locate desired API descriptions.


Class Description
SchedulerControl A Scheduler Control.
SchedulerStorage A storage which holds data for the scheduler control.
DayView A Day View.
TimeRuler A time ruler.
WorkWeekView A Work-Week View.
WeekView A Week View.
MonthView A Month View.
TimelineView A Timeline View.
Appointment An appointment in the scheduler control.
Resource A resources persisted in a data store.
AppointmentLabel Specifies an appointment's identification label.
AppointmentStatus Specifies an appointment's availability status.
Reminder A reminder for a non-recurring appointment.
RecurrenceInfo Contains a recurring appointment's recurrence information.
TimeScale Serves as the base class for classes which are time scales in the Timeline View.


Namespace Description
DevExpress.XtraScheduler Contains classes that provide the core Scheduler functionality.
DevExpress.Xpf.Scheduler Contains classes that implement the main functionality of the DXScheduler suite.