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The XYDiagram represents one or several Panes. The pane is a rectangular area used to display axes (along with their grid lines, constant lines, strips, etc.) and to plot the series point of one or more series.

Initially, a diagram displays a single default pane, which is accessible via the XYDiagram2D.DefaultPane property. If a diagram contains several series, it is possible to display each series on a separate pane. It can be done by adding a new pane to the XYDiagram2D.Panes collection (it is empty by default) and setting the XYDiagram2D.SeriesPane property value for the series to the required pane.


The panes can be stacked either horizontally, vertically or in any other manner. It is possible because their layout uses standard WPF panels (such as Grid, StackPanel, Canvas). So, you can easily place them, for example, one into another.

The table below lists the main properties that affect element appearance and functionality.


The Pane class


XYDiagram2D.DefaultPane, XYDiagram2D.Panes, XYDiagram2D.SeriesPane


XYDiagram2D.PanesPanel, XYDiagram2D.PaneOrientation, Padding, Margin


Pane.DomainBrush, Background, Foreground, Pane.AxisXScrollBarOptions, Pane.AxisYScrollBarOptions

