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Selecting Multiple Nodes


The following mouse actions and keyboard shortcuts can be used by end-users to select nodes.

Action Effect
Clicking a node while holding the CTRL key pressed Toggles the node's selected state while preserving the previous selection.
Pressing the CTRL+ARROW KEY combination Enables users to move cell focus while preserving the current selection.
Clicking a node holding the SHIFT key pressed Selects all nodes between the clicked node and the previously focused node/nodes. The previous selection is cleared.
Pressing the SHIFT+UP/SHIFT+DOWN key combinations repeatedly Enables end-users to select a continuous range of nodes. When starting such operations, the previous selection is cleared.
Clicking a node while holding the CTRL and SHIFT keys pressed Selects the range of nodes between the one clicked and those previously focused. The previous selection is preserved.
Pressing the CTRL+SHIFT+UP/CTRL+SHIFT+DOWN key combinations Enables end-users to select a continuous range of nodes. The previous selection is preserved.