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Context Menus

  • 2 minutes to read

PivotGridControl can display three types of popup menus that enable an end-user to manage data (apply sorting, reorder field headers, etc.) and customize the control by expanding and collapsing field values. All these menus can be customized. For example, you can remove existing menu items and/or add new items.

#Context Menus Overview

To obtain the context menu currently being displayed within the PivotGridControl, use the PivotGridControl.GridMenu property.

Menu Type Description Availability Image
Field Value This menu is shown when an end-user right-clicks field values. PivotGridControl.IsFieldValueMenuEnabled PivotGrid_FieldValueMenu_Separately
Field Header This menu is shown when an end-user right-clicks a field header. PivotGridControl.IsHeaderMenuEnabled PivotGrid_HeaderMenu
Header Area This menu is shown when an end-user right-clicks the Header Area. PivotGridControl.IsHeaderAreaMenuEnabled PivotGrid_HeaderAreaMenu_Separately

#Customizing Context Menus

PivotGridControl provides multiple properties that allow you to customize its context menus by adding new menu items or removing existing items. These properties return a BarManagerActionCollection object that provides multiple methods, used to manage menu items contained within a context menu.

Menu Type Property
Field Value PivotGridControl.FieldValueMenuCustomizations
Field Header PivotGridControl.HeaderMenuCustomizations
Header Area PivotGridControl.HeaderAreaMenuCustomizations
Cells PivotGridControl.CellMenuCustomizations

When customizing a menu (e.g. removing or moving default items), menu items are referred to by name. Default menu item names are listed in the DefaultMenuItemNames.

You can also handle the PivotGridControl.PopupMenuShowing event raised after a context menu is invoked to modify it on the fly.