Custom Totals
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Automatic totals are calculated using a summary function which is specified by the corresponding data field. Custom totals can be calculated using any summary function.
The main differences between Automatic and Custom Totals are listed in the following table:
Feature | Automatic Totals | Custom Totals |
Association with fields | Automatic totals are not associated with fields. They are calculated for all the field values which have nested field values. | Custom totals are associated with column or row fields. They are only calculated for the values of associated fields, provided that these values have nested field values. Custom totals replace automatic totals for these field values. |
Collection of total objects | Pivot |
The custom totals can be accessed via the Pivot |
Number of Totals for individual field values | The number of automatic totals displayed for a specific field value matches the number of data fields. | The number of custom totals displayed for a specific field value is determined by the number of items in the Pivot |
Summary type | The type of summary function used to calculate an automatic total, is determined by the corresponding data field's Pivot |
The type of summary function used to calculate a custom total is specified by the custom total object (specifically by its Pivot |
#Creating and Displaying Custom Totals
Custom totals are represented by PivotGridCustomTotal objects. These objects are stored within a field's PivotGridField.CustomTotals collection. To display custom totals for a column or row field, do the following:
- Set the field's PivotGridField.TotalsVisibility property to FieldTotalsVisibility.CustomTotals;
- Create required PivotGridCustomTotal objects and add them to the PivotGridField.CustomTotals collection.
Custom totals (like automatic totals) are calculated for field values which have nested field values. They are not calculated for the values of the innermost column and row fields. If a field is not a column field or row field, custom totals are not calculated for it.
#Example: How to Display Custom Totals
The following example demonstrates how to add custom totals for a particular pivot grid field.
In this example, four different totals are added for the Country row field: Average, Sum, Min and Max. For this, they should be added to the PivotGridField.CustomTotals property and the PivotGridField.TotalsVisibility property should be set to FieldTotalsVisibility.CustomTotals.