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Custom Summaries

Custom summaries allow you to manually calculate summaries using custom algorithms. This can be useful in the following instances:

  • calculate a custom summary function;
  • involve multiple data fields in a summary calculation;
  • calculate a summary for individual records (for instance, for the records which match specific criteria).

To enable custom summary calculations, set the data field's PivotGridField.SummaryType property to FieldSummaryType.Custom. Handle the PivotGridControl.CustomSummary event to implement a custom summary calculation algorithm. This event is fired for each summary cell that corresponds to this data field.


When handling the PivotGridControl.CustomSummary event, use the PivotCustomSummaryEventArgs.CreateDrillDownDataSource method to obtain a subset of records in a datasource, which correspond to the currently processed summary cell.

#Example: How to Calculate Custom Summaries

This example shows how to calculate Custom Summaries.