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Included Components

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The DXScheduler Suite for Silverlight provides a set of native controls that can be used in Silverlight applications. These controls implement the mail scheduling functionality, provide the necessary user interaction and are available on the DX.14.2: Scheduling toolbox tab in Visual Studio IDE.

#Main Control

Name Description
DXScheduler_SchedulerControlIcon SchedulerControl A Scheduler Control.

#Additional Controls

The DXScheduler Suite for Silverlight also provides a number of auxiliary controls. With the help of these controls, you can change Scheduler control view characteristics and modify appointment properties.

Name Description
DXScheduler_AppLabelEditIcon AppointmentLabelEdit A combo box control used to select appointment labels. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms.
DXScheduler_AppResourcesEditIcon AppointmentResourcesEdit A popup checked list box control used to select multiple resources in order to assign them to an appointment. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms.
DXScheduler_AppResourceEditIcon AppointmentResourceEdit A combo box control used to select a resource for an appointment. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms.
DXScheduler_RecurrenceRangeControlIcon RecurrenceRangeControl A control used to specify an end condition for the series of recurring appointments.
DXScheduler_ResourcesCheckedListBoxControlIcon ResourcesCheckedListBoxControl A checked list box control used to filter resources within the Scheduler Control.
DXScheduler_ResourcesComboBoxControlIcon ResourcesComboBoxControl A combo box control used to filter resources within the Scheduler Control.
DXScheduler_AppointmentStatusEditIcon AppointmentStatusEdit A combo box control used to select appointment statuses. It facilitates the creation of custom Edit Appointment forms.
DXScheduler_ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControlIcon ResourcesPopupCheckedListBoxControl The popup checked list box control used to filter resources within the Scheduler Control.
DXSxheduler_TimeZoneEditIcon TimeZoneEdit A combo box used to specify a time zone.
DXScheduler_WeekDaysCheckEditIcon WeekDaysCheckEdit A control that allows the selection of days of the week by checking the corresponding boxes.
DXScheduler_WeekOfMonthEditIcon WeekOfMonthEdit A combo box used to select a week of the month.
DXScheduler_MonthEditIcon MonthEdit A combo box used to select a month.
DXScheduler_DailyRecurrenceControlIcon DailyRecurrenceControl A control used to set the recurrence options for daily recurrent appointments.
DXScheduler_MonthlyRecurrenceControlIcon MonthlyRecurrenceControl A control used to set the recurrence options for monthly recurrent appointments.
DXScheduler_WeekDaysEditIcon WeekDaysEdit A combo box used to select days of the week.
DXScheduler_WeeklyRecurrenceControlIcon WeeklyRecurrenceControl A control used to set the recurrence options for weekly recurrent appointments.
DXScheduler_YearlyRecurrenceControlIcon YearlyRecurrenceControl A control used to set the recurrence options for yearly recurrent appointments.