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Value Indicators

  • 2 minutes to read

This document gives the definition of a value indicator and also explains what types of value indicators exist and how they should be used in a Gauge control.

A Value Indicator is a dynamic gauge element that is used to track the changing of a data value or a data range on a scale. This value can be accessible via the ValueIndicatorBase.Value property of the ValueIndicatorBase class.


The ValueIndicatorBase.Value property of the value indicator can be changed not only programmatically, but also by end-users via mouse-clicks. This capability becomes available after setting the ValueIndicatorBase.IsInteractive property to true. For real-life examples on how this can be done, see How to: Enable Indicator Value's Changing via a Mouse Click tutorial.

Depending on the type of a Scale, various kinds of value indicators can be used with it.

#Arc Scale's Indicators

The following value indicators are appropriate for the Arc Scale.

Element Description Class Collection Accessibilty
Needle A needle-like element that is used to indicate a current value in a Circular Gauge. ArcScaleNeedle ArcScaleNeedleCollection ArcScale.Needles
Marker A Marker is a small pointer that indicates a fixed value. ArcScaleMarker ArcScaleMarkerCollection ArcScale.Markers
Range Bar A Range Bar is a filled sector that represents a specific interval (e.g. working hours). ArcScaleRangeBar ArcScaleRangeBarCollection ArcScale.RangeBars

Value indicators for the circular scale are shown in the image below:

Circular value indicators

#Linear Scale's Indicators

In the Linear Scale three types of value indicators are available.

Element Description Class Collection Accessibilty
Level Bar A Level Bar performs the same function as a conventional thermometer (e.g. the current temperature). LinearScaleLevelBar LinearScaleLevelBarCollection LinearScale.LevelBars
Marker A Marker is a scale pointer that indicates a certain value along a scale (e.g. an average temperature in a thermometer). LinearScaleMarker LinearScaleMarkerCollection LinearScale.Markers
Range Bar A Range Bar is a filled rectangle that represents some data range along a scale. LinearScaleRangeBar LinearScaleRangeBarCollection LinearScale.RangeBars

Value indicators for linear scale are shown in the image below:

Linear value indicators