How to: Create a Knob-like Gauge
The following example illustrates a gauge that looks and behaves like a typical 'knob' element of a real-life dashboard. In this case we demonstrate how to create, for example, a realistic volume control.
To provide its appearance, we use custom templates for an arc scale's needle and layer elements. For your convenience, these templates are stored in the KnobRestoreDictionary.xaml file, and named OscilloscopeNeedleTemplate and OscilloscopeScaleLayerTemplate. They can be easily re-used in your application.
This knob also provides the capability to interactively modify its value via mouse clicks. To enable this, the ValueIndicatorBase.IsInteractive property of a gauge's needle is set to True to enable its interactivity.
Finally, below the knob-like gauge, there is a Label control, which is bound to the ValueIndicatorBase.Value property of a needle to display the current volume set by knob.