Cascading Data Updates
The Cascading Data Updates feature is aimed to speed up the grid's performance while scrolling data rows. Initially, when an end-user scrolls grid rows, the grid synchronously loads all rows that should be displayed onscreen. With the enabled cascading data updates, visible rows are asynchronously loaded one by one in a background thread. To enable this feature, turn on the TableView.AllowCascadeUpdate option (TreeListView.AllowCascadeUpdate for a TreeListView).
To provide visual feedback, the grid plays an animation after row data has been retrieved from a data source. Multiple settings enable you to fine tune the animation effect. These settings are:
Animation Effect
Use the DataViewBase.RowAnimationKind property to specify what animation is played while data rows are being asynchronously retrieved by the data source.
To provide a custom animation effect, set the DataViewBase.RowAnimationKind property to RowAnimationKind.Custom and handle the DataViewBase.RowAnimationBegin event.
Animation Duration
By default, the grid displays rows that are being loaded by animating their opacity. Use the DataViewBase.RowOpacityAnimationDuration property to specify the length of an animation in milliseconds.