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Product Class Structure

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This topic lists the main classes and namespaces that are your entry points to the DXRichEdit for Silverlight reference. Comprehensive reference material for the entire DevExpress .NET Product line is available in the Reference section. We also recommend that you use the Search functionality to quickly locate desired API descriptions.


Class Description
RichEditControl The primary control of DXRichEdit for the Silverlight Suite. RichEditControl displays the document and provides the comprehensive functionality to support common rich text operations.
DraftView The view without pagination. Does not display complex formatting features.
SimpleView The view provides document pagination and displays basic page formatting.
PrintLayoutView The view displays all formatting in the document, including complex formatting, and can be used to preview the document printout.
SubDocument An interface that exposes the basic API functionality.
Document An interface that inherits from the SubDocument and exposes specific API functionality.
DocumentPosition Class that represents a position within the document.
DocumentRange An interface that defines a document range.
Paragraph A single paragraph in a document.
DocumentImage An interface that defines an inline image in a document.
Field An interface that defines a document field. A field is a set of codes that instructs RichEditControl to insert text or graphics into a document automatically.
Hyperlink An interface that defines a hyperlink in a document.
Bookmark An interface that defines a bookmark in a document.
Section An interface that defines a section that enables you to set up certain aspects of a document layout.
SectionColumn A class that represents an individual column in a layout.
SectionPage A class that contains page settings.
Table An interface that defines a table in a document.
TableRow An interface that defines a row in a table.
TableCell An interface that defines a cell in a table.
AbstractNumberingList An interface that is the abstract numbering definition of a numbering list in a document.
NumberingList An interface that is the numbering definition referenced by paragraphs in a document that comprises a numbering list.
Shape An object that can be placed above and below the text layer of the document, as well as within the document, with text surrounding it.


Namespace Description
DevExpress.XtraRichEdit Contains classes that provide the core Rich Text editor functionality.
DevExpress.Xpf.RichEdit Contains classes that implement the main functionality of the DXRichEdit suite.
DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native Contains classes implementing the native API of the RichEdit Suite, which allow you to programmatically operate on the document.