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Views Overview

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#Views Overview

The DXGrid for Silverlight does not display data itself. It uses a View to represent data from a data source. A View specifies the layout of data fields and records, provides multiple options and numerous settings that control the availability of individual data management capabilities (e.g. sorting. grouping, editing) along with the appearance of grid elements.

The DXGrid for Silverlight provides the following type(s) of view.

  • Table View (Default View)

    A Table View represents data in a two-dimensional table. Data source fields are represented by grid columns. Data records are represented by data rows.


  • TreeList View

    A TreeList View is designed to display information in a tree from hierarchical data structures. Data records are represented by nodes.


#Main Features Supported by Views

  • Data Sorting

    Data can be sorted against one or multiple columns. When sorting is applied, rows are re-arranged to meet the current sort settings.

  • Data Filtering

    Filtering allows you to display a subset of records from a data source. End-users can apply a filter using a column's filter dropdown. When filtering is applied, only those records that meet the current filter criteria are displayed. Data can be filtered against multiple columns.

  • Displaying Summaries

    Allows you to display brief information about groups of rows or particular columns. For instance, you can display the number of records, minimum or maximum values within group rows or a Summary Panel.

  • Data Editing

    End-users can edit cell values. Data editing can be disabled for individual columns.

  • Customizable Columns Layout

    End-users can reorder columns via drag-and-drop.

  • Hiding Unused Columns

    End-users can temporarily hide columns from a View at runtime by using drag and drop. Dragging a column's header and dropping it within the Column Chooser hides a column from the View. Dragging a column's header from the Column Chooser back to the View, makes the column visible.

  • Displaying Popup Menus

    Four types of popup menus enable an end-user to manage data (apply grouping and sorting, display summaries, etc.) and customize a View by showing and hiding its UI elements.